10.22 Web Service Release Notes
The 10.22 Software Release is scheduled to be deployed on October 5, 2021 at around 3:25 am EDT. There will be a 30 - 45 minute down-time for web services during the deployment. The Software Release includes the following. Please review the lab WSDL for more detailed information regarding the new features and enhancements:
FileFlightPlan - If an attempt is made to file an ICAO flight plan with Flight Rules of IFR or YFR, and it matches a previously filed flight plan, the web service response will return False with an error message:
"We detected a duplicate Flight Plan in our system filed on <Month/Date of filing> at <UTC time>Z. Duplicate flight plans will be rejected by ATC. This flight plan must be modified in order to file."
Military Training Routes (MTRs) - IFR Routes that are currently accepted by the ARTCC will be supported in flight planning and will be used to determine briefing content. An appropriate error message will be returned for an invalid MTR, entry or exit fix.
This includes the following web services:
VFR Routes, Slow Routes, and Aerial Refueling Routes will be supported in a future release.
New NavLog option to suppress fixes - The NavLog web service now includes an optional parameter to suppress NAVAIDS/fixes along an airway:
When the includeOnlyAirwayEntryExitFixes option is set to true, the fixes on the airways are removed except for fixes at the entry and exit of an airway.
Airways include airways, radials, MTRs, SIDs, and STARs.
The NavLog response will continue to include all user entered fixes in the route.
The parentAirwayName field associated with a navlog fix in the response identifies the airway/route to the fix.