10.11 Software Release Notes
The 10.11 Software Release is scheduled to be deployed on February 13th at 0200Z. The downtime will be approximately 2 hours. The Software Release will include the following (please review the lab WSDL for further information regarding the new features and enhancements):
New Web Services:
RetreiveFaaAirportId - this new endpoint converts an ICAO airport identifier to the FAA version of the airport identifier. Providing KJFK will return JFK.
HealthCheck - there is now a URL that can be queried that will return the status of the system. The HealthCheck is applicable to both operations and the development lab. The HealthCheck status is available at the following URL: /healthCheck
EvaluateDepartureTime - this endpoint has been enhanced to include the otherInfo parameter to allow the information from the ICAO Other information field to be provided. This allows ZZZZ to be provided in the departure field and/or the destination field with DEP/ and DEST/ being provided in the Other Information field.
OptimizeAltitude - this endpoint has been enhanced to include the otherInfo parameter to allow the information from the ICAO Other information field to be provided. This allows ZZZZ to be provided in the departure field and/or the destination field with DEP/ and DEST/ being provided in the Other Information field.
LastMinuteCheck - the results will now include all PIREPs that have been received since the time of the pilot's last briefing that are located within the route corridor for the specified flight plan. Previously it was only including Urgent PIREPs and AIREPs.
RouteSearch - this endpoint now supports requesting a GPS Direct route, which will return a set of latitude/longitude coordinates between the departure and destination airports. The number of latitude/longitude coordinates generated between the departure and destination airports is determined by the route length.