9.5 Software Release

9.5 Software Release

The 9.5 SW Release will have the following enhancements that are relevant for web service vendors:


  • ACAS Graphics Web Service – Our alert web services now provide the ability to retrieve a pictorial representation (raster) of an alert boundary.  Through the RetrieveAlertByFlightId, and Push notifications for alerts, you will now see the element alertGraphicURL, which is a url to a graphic image of the alert.  This url supports additional parameters to change the format, height, width, and quality of the image.  The NGB alerts continue to include a geometry element allowing you to generate your own vector representation of an alert boundary.  See the Web Services WSDL for more information.
  • Submitting Position Reports – Our web services now provide the ability to submit position reports via web services using the SubmitPositionReport web services.  Please reach out to Matthew Thornton or Stuart Weinstein for support.  This service requires additional support to make sure that the position reports align properly with the flights in our system.                                                                                                                                            

Other Changes

  • Technology Upgrades – We have made a number of changes on the backend HW and SW in this release to improve both performance and stability of the system.