There are two general types of briefings, Route Briefings and Area Briefings. Route briefings provide legal briefing information along a specified route of flight. An example of a command to get a route briefing is below. Area Briefings provide information about weather, adverse conditions, and other information specific to a particular geographic location, such as an airport.
$ /usr/bin/curl -k -A "Mozilla/5.0" -i --header "Authorization: Basic bWVAbGV0bWVpbi5jb206TXlQYXNzdzByZCE=" --data "type=DOMESTIC&flightRules=VFR&aircraftIdentifier=TTTDEMO&departure=HOU&destination=MIA&departureInstant=2015-03-04T15:06:00.0&flightDuration=PT1H30M&route=LEV%20Q102%20CYY%20SSCOT&altDestination1=LAX&altDestination2=SEA&briefingType=SIMPLE&altitudeFL=35&routeCorridorWidth=100&includeCodedMessages=true" "https://[Operational or Test Environment URL]/rest/FP/routeBriefing" -v
Currently. the only supported briefing type is SIMPLE. The output of the briefing text has the following conventions:
Text | Description |
_NL_ | Newline break |
********[Section Header Name]******** | Section Header |
Note that both Route and Area Briefings provide support for plaintext translation. This makes the typically cryptic notifications in a briefing easier to read. You can get this data by setting the plaintext parameter to true. Also, If LMFS has not received any Weather Data for 1-15 minutes, a short-term weather outage warning will appear in the notices section of a route/area briefing: ” Weather/NOTAM data may not be current due to loss of incoming data at [Zulu time] Z. A recheck of data prior to departure may be warranted.” After 15 minutes of no weather data, the long-term weather outage will force the web service to return a failure status with the error message “No Weather/NOTAM data currently available due to loss of incoming data at [time] Z. You may file a flight plan or access the system later for full service.” Once weather is recovered the warning will no longer display in the briefing (for a short-term outage) or the briefings will resume processing with success as true and the briefing will include a message indicating that there had been a weather outage in the notices section (for a long-term outage).