SubmitPirep Web Service Example
PIREPs are used to add additional information to briefings when a pilot calls 1800wxbrief, they use the Leidos Flight Service Website, or you submit a web service for a briefing. Below is an example of a PIREP web service call:
/usr/bin/curl -k -A "Mozilla/5.0" -i --header "Authorization: Basic bWVAbGV0bWVpbi5jb206TXlQYXNzdzByZCE=" --data "aircraftIdentifier=TTTDEMO&pirepLocation1=SEA&pirepLocation1LatLong=4760N12233W&pirepTime=2023-03-06T16%3A36%3A00.000Z&flightLevel=50&aircraftType=A2&skyCover=OVC100&visibility=FU010&airTemperature=50&windsAloft=10050&turbulence=SEV%20001&icing=CLR&nearestReportingStation=MIA&filingTime=2023-03-06T16%3A36%3A00.000Z" "https://[Operational or Test Environment URL]/rest/util/submitPirep" -v
PIREP Fields
*Please note that the following is a description of the fields in the submitPirep web service. For complete information, see the WSDL here:
Leidos Web Service Field | Field in Message to FAA (example) | Required or Optional | Notes |
pirepLocation1 | /OV KPIE /OV BAL /OV BLD320050 /OV 3110N08151W | Required | The location can be an airport, NAVAID, FRD, or lat/long. Lat/Long Conversion:
Lat/Long Format:
pirepLocation2 | Optional | If included, this field allows a 2-point PIREP to be submitted. | |
pirepTime | /TM 1059 | Required | |
flightLevel | /FL 025 | Required | Allowable range: 000-999 |
aircraftType | /TP C172 | Required | |
skyCover | /SK SCT-BKN04 | * Optional | |
visibility | /WX FV05SM FG | * Optional | |
airTemperature | /TA 16 | * Optional | |
windsAloft | /WV 225017KT | * Optional | |
turbulence | /TB MOD-SE | * Optional | |
icing | /IC MOD RM | * Optional | |
remarks | /RM <remarks> | Optional | If desired, can include the name of the company or application submitting the PIREP. |
filingTime | Required |
* Optional: Note that all of the weather condition parameters are optional. However, at least one of the following weather phenomenon elements must be provided for the web service call to validate:
- skyCover
- visibility
- airTemperature
- windsAloft
- turbulence
- icing
PIREP Data Flow in Live Operations
- The vendor submits a pilot report via the SubmitPIREP web service.
- Leidos Flight Service receives the request and encodes the PIREP as either hazardous (urgent - UUA) or non-hazardous (routine - UA).
- Leidos Flight Service submits a message to the FAA NAS (WMSCR) which sends it to NOAA IPSM.
- The PIREPs are displayed at the NOAA Aviation Weather Center (AWC):
- NOAA IPSM sends ALL PIREPs to us as weather which is then displayed on the Flight Service Map and included in weather briefings applicable to the PIREP location. If the PIREP submission is accepted, it will be typically be displayed on our map within a minute.
- Leidos Flight Service retains PIREPs for one hour.
Urgent PIREPs
PIREPs are classified as either hazardous (urgent - UUA) or non-hazardous (routine - UA).
When Leidos receives a submitPirep web service, the PIREP is encoded as urgent (UUA) if any of the following conditions are present:
Turbulence: SEV, EXTRM
- Icing: SEV
- Weather: FC, GS, GR, SHGR, VA, +FC, +GS, +GR, +SHGR, +VA
- Remark: LLWS followed by an optional blank, then a "+" or "-" or a "+/-" followed by "dd", and dd has a value of 10 or more
Limitation of Testing in the Flight Service Lab
- In the test lab, PIREPs are not sent to the FAA (WMSCR). The lab’s simulator is configured to always return a positive response to PIREP submissions.
- The PIREPs submitted via web service will not be displayed on the map in the test lab.
- Test lab website map:
- Select Map, select Layers icon in upper right corner, check “Pilot Reports”
- Vendors can test in the lab to verify that the request is properly validated by our system.
- Once PIREP submission is working in the lab, vendors can schedule a test with Leidos to verify that PIREPS are correct and will get translated into proper ”weather” that will show on the Leidos Flight Service map.
- Email to schedule a test.
Sending PIREP Web Service Requests to Leidos Flight Service
PIREPs do not require Service Provider Authorization.
Go here to learn about Service Provider Authorization:
Configure the NOAA National Weather Service Aviation Weather Center (AWC) to match the Leidos Flight Service PIREP display in Live Operations
Leidos Flight Service website (operations)
Select Map, select Layers icon in upper right corner, check “Pilot Reports”
NOAA National Weather Service Aviation Weather Center (AWC):
Select “Configure”:
Age: 1 hr
Uncheck “Filter NEG reports”