The National Convective Weather Diagnostic and Forecast Product (NCWD/NCWF) will no longer be available via the WebsiteWeather request.
Per the National Weather Service:
- On March 31, 2018, the NWS will terminate the National Convective Weather Diagnostic and Forecast Product (NCWD/NCWF).
- Due to radar composite data termination and outdated computing servers presenting IT security risks, this product has become unsupportable and scientifically invalid.
Starting March 29th, Leidos flight services will no longer be able to action flight plans that penetrate the Washington DC FRZ. Therefore the following error response text will be returned for flights that penetrate the Washington DC FRZ:
"This flight plan penetrates the FRZ and cannot be actioned accordingly. Contact a Washington Center Flight Data Specialist (703-771-3476) for assistance."
The 10.7 Software Release is scheduled for deployment at 03/13/2018 0200Z. The downtime will be approximately 2 hours. The Software Release will include the following (please review the lab WSDL ( for further information regarding the new features and enhancements):
- Removal of Volcanic Ash Advisory (VAA) information from Web Services – To reduce the amount of duplicate content in the briefing responses, the VAAs will no longer be listed separately under the volcanicAshAdvisory section; however, they will continue to be listed under the flow control section. For briefing requests with the versionRequested set to a value prior to 20180101, the volcanicAshAdvisory section will contain the following boiler text: "Current Volcanic Ash Advisory data for this briefing, if any, are under 'Flow Control'". If the version requested is 20180101 or later, the volcanicAshAdvisory section will be null for the NGB briefing type, or not included for SIMPLE and EMAIL briefing types.
- Addition of Beacon Code to flight plan requests - In FileFlightPlanRequest, ActivateFlightPlanRequest, and AmendFligthPlanRequest, if a versionRequested value of 20180213 (or later) is specified, the response will contain a beacon code if one is assigned. If the versionRequested is prior to 20180213, a beacon code will not be returned in the response.
Increase in ATC Recently Assigned IFR Routes Retrieval - The recently assigned IFR routes retrieval capability has been increased from the latest 15 most recently assigned routes from the past 24 hours to the latest 30 most recently assigned routes from the past 120 hours. This capability is accessible via the routeSearch endpoint with the searchOption set to ATC_RECENT_IFR_ROUTES.