Blog from May, 2017

The 10.3 SW Release will be deployed on May 23rd at 0200Z.  The downtime will be approximately 2 hours.  The SW Release will include the following (please review the lab WSDL for further information regarding the new features and enhancements):


                * GenerateGraphicImage now includes Graphical AIRMETs.  You can choose the forecast hour ahead for the AIRMETs using the forecastHour parameter.

Fixed Defects:

                * Stability and Performance Enhancements

                * Fixed a situation where flight plans may be closed or canceled without notifying vendors or making it visible via push notifications.  This has been resolved.  Now when a flight plan is closed, a vendor using push notifications will receive a notification along with who initiated the close.

                * Removed duplicate AIRMETs and SIGMETs from briefings

ICAO Mandate (We have posted this before but this is a reminder with a current date for the planned transition.)

Following the 10.3 SW Release, the ICAO Mandate with the FAA will be executed.  The current date for this is 2 weeks following the 10.4 SW deployment (6/5)  This results in some changes and modifications to our system that are mostly transparent to the user.  Some small modifications to the fields below have been made to the web service validation for filing and briefing for flight plans that should have minimal impact in most cases but you should verify that your implementation can support the changes:

                * pilotInCommand - The new format will only support letters, digits, spaces, and backward slashes

                * aircraftColor - The new format no longer supports backward slashes

                * colorOfDinghies - The new format only supports capitalized letters and spaces

                * otherInfo - Number of allowable characters is now 325, down from 600.

                * altitudeVFR/altitudeVFRFL - We have added altitudeVFR and altitudeVFRFL for supporting SFRA flight planning

* Route: We now support ICAO flight plans with a change in flight rule or a change in cruising/flight level in the flight plan. The format is <fix>/<speed><altitude> for a speed or altitude change.  Both must be included, even if one is changing.  Speed can be of the format N#### for knots, M### for Mach, or K#### for KPH.  Altitude can be of the format A### for altitude in 100s of feet, F### for flight level in hundreds of feet, M#### for altitude in tens of meters, S#### for standard metric level in tends of meters.  The format for a rule change is fix<space>[VFR|IFR]