Alerts are adverse conditions for a flight that could result in a pilot making changes to their plan given the new information. They are a huge value to your users in allowing them to make safe decisions in flying. We have done everything we can to make these types of alerts easy to retrieve. There are two different ways to retrieve alerts. The first is by flight, which means the pilot needs to have already filed a flight in the system. The second is by route, which is based on a route of flight, taking in the set of NAS or ICAO flight plan fields necessary to get information on a route of flight. You are able to also acknowledge alerts for a particular flight so that subsequent requests for alerts do not contain the given alert. An example request for alerts, given the ongoing example from previous pages would be as follows:
$ /usr/bin/curl -k -A "Mozilla/5.0" -i -c cookies/cookies. -u "" "" -v