PIREPs are used to add additional information to briefings when a pilot calls 1800wxbrief, they use the Pilot Website, or you make a briefing web service call. Below is an example of a PIREP web service call:
/usr/bin/curl -k -A "Mozilla/5.0" -i --header "Authorization: Basic bWVAbGV0bWVpbi5jb206TXlQYXNzdzByZCE=" --data "&aircraftIdentifier=DF124&pirepLocation1=SEA&pirepLocation1LatLong=4760N12233W&pirepLocation2=HOU&pirepLocation2LatLong=2976N09538W&pirepTime=2015-03-10T16%3A36%3A00.000Z&flightLevel=50&aircraftType=A2&skyCover=OVC100&visibility=FU010&airTemperature=50&windsAloft=10050&turbulence=SEV%20001&icing=CLR&nearestReportingStation=MIA&filingTime=2015-03-10T16%3A36%3A00.000Z" "http://[Operational or Test Environment URL]/rest/util/submitPirep" -v
Note that all of the weather condition parameters you can provide are optional. However, at least one of the following weather phenomenon elements must be provided for the web service call to validate:
- skyCover
- visibility
- airTemperature
- windsAloft
- turbulence
- icing
- remarks