This document should walk you through procedurally what you would expect when you begin engaging with Lockheed Martin for connecting to our Web Services.
- Click on the following link:
- Click on the "Sign up for an account" link
- Fill in an applicable email and password, along with your full name and click "Sign Up"
- You should get an activation email shortly afterwards.
- Log into the site from this link:
- Click on the "Request Lab Access" option and provide the desired email account. (Usually it is something like
- Once you have submitted your request, it will be processed by an administrator on our end to do the following:
- Create your account on both the staging lab and the operational testing lab
- Add your email account to the email whitelist to allow you to get emails (updated every Friday). Typically all you'll need the emails for are to reset your password.
- Do an initial internal test of your account internally to make sure that it is possible to make a web service call.
- Once we have verified with you that your account is set up, you are free to test whatever you want in our testing environment. We will be available to answer questions and troubleshoot any problems that you are having difficulties
- If you just have general questions about the system/upcoming features/how to use particular web service calls, file a "General Questions/Support" request. For problems with testing due to lab setup issues or unexpected errors, file a "Testing Troubleshooting" request
- Once you are finished with your testing and the system is the way you want, please submit a "Request Access to Operations" request. When we are in this phase, we will require a beta version of your software to test with a large test set to make sure that your user will be getting the expected behavior out of the tool when they make a specific request. (A VFR flight plan is filed as a VFR flight plan on our system, for example) Assuming that this testing is successful, we will schedule the activation of your account in operations and any other configuration changes that are necessary.
- If you make subsequent upgrades to your application, we request that we are notified so that we can re-run the testing above. You can do this with a subsequent Request Access to Operations request. If the changes require a change on the operational side on our end we will schedule it. Otherwise we will let you know of any issues we run across.