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LMFS provides the capability for implementers to get notifications of alerts and ATC status as they occur.   This requires the setup of a URL on the implementer's end to receive notifications.  Send a request to our Vendor Support Team email address to request a webhooksetup for push notifications.  You will need to provide a URL/webhook to your server to which we will send the notifications. Whenever the webhook receives a push notification, we expect a JSON response {"success": "true"}. 

Authentication & Authorization - For the URL/webhook you provide, you will also need to provide a username and password to allow us access. The default encryption for the username and password is Base64 encoding. If you wish to use oAuth instead, please email the Vendor Support Team.

Push Notification Types:

The JSON data that is pushed to your site is defined in the WSDL reference referenced here: under WebServicePushFlightChange and WebServicePushNGBAlert.  Whenever the webhook receives a push notification, we expect a JSON response {"success": "true"} for the following types: 

  • WebServicePushFlightChange - Notification of Flight changes will be pushed to a vendor for flights the vendor has filed. When the flight change notification is received, the RetrieveFlightPlan web service can be used to obtain the latest version of the flight plan. This is relevant for both VFR and IFR flights which you have filed. For IFR flights, you can receive the ATC updates to the flight including departure time, route, and more and you will have visibility to the current ATC state of the flight (proposed, filed, closed, overdue).
  • WebServicePushNGBAlert - Flight alerts will be pushed to a vendor for flights the vendor has filed. This includes TFRs and weather updates (AIRMETS, PIREPS, etc.) which intersect the flight.
  • WebServicePushUOAChange, WebServicePushUOANotamSubmissionRequest - UOA change alerts can be pushed to a vendor for UOAs the vendor has filed and NOTAM-derived UOAs. This is recommended if you are using the FileUasOperatingArea or RetrieveUasOperatingArea web service.
  • WebServicePushWxChange - Weather change alerts are pushed to the vendor. If you are using retrieveTemporaryFlightRestrictions, we recommend you subscribe to this feed which will push TFR updates as they occur. The messageCount will be incremented with each pushed message. If the messageCount is not one more than the previous message, then a message may have been missed and the entire set of weather data (example: TFRs) should be retrieved using the retrieve web service (RetrieveTemporaryFlightRestrictions). After that call, the messageCount will be reset to 0. As Wx changes come in, the messageCount will again increment by one with each pushed message. All messages should be ignored until the messageCount starts again at one (1). If the system must restart or reset itself, the messageCount will reset to 0. For such an occurrence a Wx change alert will be pushed that only contains the messageCount in the JSON. It will have a value of 0. It is recommended to re-sync with all weather data at this point. This can be done using RetrieveTemporaryFlightRestrictions to retrieve all appropriate weather data (e.g. TFRs).