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Code Block
/usr/bin/curl -k -A "Mozilla/5.0" -i --header "Authorization: Basic bWVAbGV0bWVpbi5jb206TXlQYXNzdzByZCE=" --data "aircraftIdentifier=TTTDEMO&pirepLocation1=SEA&pirepLocation1LatLong=4760N12233W&pirepTime=2023-03-06T16%3A36%3A00.000Z&flightLevel=50&aircraftType=A2&skyCover=OVC100&visibility=FU010&airTemperature=50&windsAloft=10050&turbulence=SEV%20001&icing=CLR&nearestReportingStation=MIA&filingTime=2023-03-06T16%3A36%3A00.000Z" "https://[Operational or Test Environment URL]/rest/util/submitPirep" -v

PIREP Fields

*Please note that the following is a description of the fields in the submitPirep web service. For complete information, see the WSDL here:

Leidos Web Service FieldField in Message to FAA (example)

Required or Optional

pirepLocation1/OV BLD320050RequiredThe location can be a location ID (airport, fix, navaid), FRD, or lat/lon.
OptionalIf included, this field allows a 2-point PIREP to be submitted.
pirepTime/TM 1059Required
flightLevel/FL 025Required
aircraftType/TP C172Required
skyCover/SK SCT-BKN04* Optional
visibility/WX FV05SM FG* Optional
airTemperature/TA 16* Optional
windsAloft/WV 220147KT* Optional
turbulence/TB MOD-SE* Optional
icing/IC MOD RM* Optional
remarks/RM <remarks>OptionalIf desired, can include the name of the company or application submitting the PIREP.
