In order to expedite the process of you connecting to the lab, we will provide you the initial password via email when responding to your account request. Typically creating a new account results in an email being sent to you. However, your email address needs added to the whitelist before you will begin to receive these. Once this is in place, you can request a password reset by clicking on the associated "Reset Password" link on the test or operational website.
Code Block | ||
| ||
$ /usr/bin/curl -k -A "Mozilla/5.0" -i --header "Authorization: Basic bWVAbGV0bWVpbi5jb206TXlQYXNzdzByZCE=" --data "type=DOMESTIC&flightRules=VFR&aircraftIdentifier=TTTDEMO&departure=HOU&destination=MIA&departureInstant=2015-03-13T00:53:00.0&flightDuration=PT1H30M&route=LEV%20Q102%20CYY%20SSCOT&altDestination1=LAX&altDestination2=SEA&aircraftType=P28A&numberOfAircraft=3&heavyWakeTurbulence=true&aircraftEquipment=G&remarks=This%20is%20a%20domestic%20flight%20plan%20test&speedKnots=100&altitudeFL=35&fuelOnBoard=PT20H0M&pilotData=PILOT%20INFO&peopleOnBoard=1&aircraftColor=W" "https://[Operational or Test Environment URL]/rest/FP/file" -v |
HTTP Request Headers
For sending web services, please ensure that your application is configured to use the following HTTP request headers:
- "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded”
- "User-Agent: <Company or Application name> Flight Service Interface.”
As part of creating your account, we will authorize the account to make web service calls. Once this is activated, you are authorized to make any of the web service calls available on the WSDL. If you use web services on behalf of an end user (such as filing flight plans, performing briefings, etc.), the web user will need to log into our website and authorize you to make web service calls on their behalf. Without this authorization, you will get an error message in the web service response. To see how this authorization works, try it out in our lab environment.