The versionRequested field will no longer determine whether or not to return the following fields, all of these fields will be returned if appropriate:
beaconCode (if one has been assigned to the flight)
artccState (if one exists for the flight)
artccInfo (if one exists for the flight)
expectedRoute (when an expected route change is detected)
peopleOnBoardIsTBN (when persons on board is TBN)
personOnBoardExtended peopleOnBoardExtended (when persons on board is not TBN)
The peopleOnBoard, aircraftColor, suppRemarks, and pilotInCommand fields are no longer returned in the RetrieveFlightPlan response.
For REST, these fields will be set to null in the response.
For SOAP, the response will not contain these fields.
For a FileFlightPlanRequest or AmendFlightPlanRequest, it is recommended that the ICAO extended fields are used: peopleOnBoardExtended, aircraftColorExtended, suppRemarksExtended, and pilotInCommandExtended. If the non-extended version of these fields are used, the RetrieveFlightPlan response will return the values in the ICAO extended fields.