We also provide a briefing of type NGB (Next Generation Briefing) which provides far more detailed information in a structured format (XML for SOAP, JSON for REST). A number of the items that are provided include the geometry of the briefing artifact, the plaintext translation, the time period in flight in which the phenomenon could impact you, and a number of others. If you are in a position to support a more elaborate briefing, it is highly recommended that you use this briefing type.
NGBV2 Standard and Abbreviated Briefings
An NGBv2 briefing is considered a “Standard Briefing” when briefingType is NGBV2 and the ‘items’ keyword is not present. Tailoring options can be applied if desired.
In addition, it will not be a standard briefing if any of the following conditions are met:
- notABriefing is true
- outlookBriefing is true
- departureInstant is more than 6 hours in the future
An NGBV2 briefing is considered an “Abbreviated” briefing if the ‘items’ keyword is used.
Briefing Preferences
A briefing, due to the large amount of data that we provide, is obviously long and complex. If your user base prefers, there are a number of options you can avail yourself of by adding the briefingPreference parameter, which is a JSON dictionary. The tailoring key is an array of strings that include: