Code Block |
language | bash |
title | Note the versionStamp value matches the file response |
$ /usr/bin/curl -k -A "Mozilla/5.0" -i --header "Authorization: Basic bWVAbGV0bWVpbi5jb206TXlQYXNzdzByZCE=" --data "&actualDepartureInstant=2015-03-04T15:03:00.0&versionStamp=20150304024817490&includeCodedMessages=true""http://www.elabs.testafss.net/Website2/rest/FP/298351728_447141_1053/activate" -v
{"versionStamp":"20150304030332170","returnCodedMessage":[],"returnMessage":[],"returnStatus":true} |
There are two actions to disable a flight plan that are very similar an example of a close web service call is belowCancelling a VFR or IFR flight plan removes a PROPOSED flight plan. Closing an activated VFR flight plan within 30 minutes of ETA indicates search and rescue does not need to be initiated. An additional parameter (closeDestinationInfo) should be supplied when closing. The parameter is required if the flight plan is overdue based on the current ETA.
Code Block |
language | bash |
title | Close example (note the cancel is very similar) |
$ /usr/bin/curl -k -A "Mozilla/5.0" -i -c cookies/cookies. --header "Authorization: Basic bWVAbGV0bWVpbi5jb206TXlQYXNzdzByZCE=" --data "includeCodedMessages=true" "http://www.elabs.testafss.net/Website2/rest/FP/298351728_447141_1053/close" -v
{"returnCodedMessage":[],"returnMessage":[],"returnStatus":true} |